The website and the subpages belonging to this domain are the property of Livesounds Agency Kft.
The websites are operated by Livesounds Agency Kft.
The Livesounds Agency Kft, through its websites – for the purpose of sending newsletters – performs data processing. The data provided when subscribing to the newsletter service “Koncert Értesítő” will be treated confidentially by Livesounds Agency Kft in accordance with the applicable legal requirements and will not be disclosed to third parties. The service may be cancelled or terminated at any time, and the data provided may be modified at any time. All necessary information for modification of data, unsubscription can be found in the last paragraph of the e-mails sent by Livesounds Agency Kft. The unsubscription or modification of data will also be accepted in a written message sent to Livesounds Agency Kft.
User consent
The subscription to the newsletter initiated on the Livesounds Agency Kft website implies the express acceptance of the conditions attached to this service, i.e. the user gives his/her prior consent to the processing of his/her data and to its inclusion in the company’s database. Furthermore, he/she gives his/her consent to receive e-mails, which may be sent from any of the company’s websites and, in certain cases, may contain advertising.
Register of data controllers
Under registration with the NAIH…
Data management related matters
To change your data or unsubscribe, you can contact us at the following contact details:
Postal address: 1173 Budapest, Újlak u. 73/B.
Budapest, 11.02.2016.